Husverket - Klassisk KM3.50


Om husmodellen

Fritidshuset Klassisk 50.3 is a holiday home that has slightly larger surfaces than its little brother Klassisk 40.3. You can choose between three different floor plans. Two of the layouts accommodate two bedrooms and one of the layouts has a larger bedroom. Otherwise, the house is well laid out with an open floor plan between the kitchen and living room. Beautiful light is offered through large panoramic windows.

A welcoming hall with storage and a bathroom that has everything you could wish for are included in all floor plans. Even on this model, we can equip the house with a loft, which is offered upon request.

This is a reasonably sized holiday home for the family that wants a designed and well-planned holiday home with a high standard of delivery and at a good price.

Teknisk fakta

Andra hus ifrån Husverket

Rak R4.Z.60

Boyta: 60kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk K2.50

Boyta: 53kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk KM3.100

Boyta: 95kvm
Rum: 4st

Klassisk KM3.90

Boyta: 90kvm
Rum: 4st

Pulpet P2.70

Boyta: 74kvm
Rum: 3st

Pulpet P2.50

Boyta: 53kvm
Rum: 3st

Pulpet 100.2P

Boyta: 96kvm
Rum: 4st

Klassisk K2.100

Boyta: 96kvm
Rum: 4st

Klassisk KM3.50

Boyta: 54kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk K4.Z.60

Boyta: 60kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk KM3.80

Boyta: 83kvm
Rum: 4st

Klassisk KM3.60

Boyta: 63kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk K4.Z.80

Boyta: 63kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk K4.Z.90

Boyta: 86kvm
Rum: 4st

Rak R4.Z.80

Boyta: 63kvm
Rum: 3st

Klassisk V2.70

Boyta: 70kvm
Rum: 3st

Rak R4.Z.90

Boyta: 86kvm
Rum: 4st

Klassisk K2.70

Boyta: 74kvm
Rum: 3st